Intercity public transport plays a key role in the climate transition we are experiencing. Not only cities need sustainable urban transport, but also communication between population centres must be made in a safe, flexible way, ensuring the capillarity of the service and being in accordance with the climate crisis that we are experiencing and promoting progress in the need to define a more environment friendly mobility based on a transition from the private vehicle to the collective transport.
Sustainability and capillarity are the fundamental pillars of intercity transport by minibus and bus
The minibus and the bus are a key element that guarantee sustainable mobility for all population groups. It offers high levels of quality and safety, achieving a lower environmental and energy impact than other means of collective transport.
Intercity public transport plays an important role in the mobility of people. It is economical, sustainable, safe, capillary and socially profitable, defining itself as the safest mean of transport and offering the lowest rates compared to alternative means of transport, providing a high level of quality. The level of efficiency of the bus, from an environmental, economic and social point of view, is highly remarkable.
More friendly with the environment
Environmentally, its contribution to the protection of nature and health is unquestionable, since it reduces environmental impacts, greenhouse gas emissions and optimizes non-renewable resources, especially energy. Minibuses and buses are the most socially efficient means of transport as they generate the least negative externalities, achieving savings in terms of lower external costs, avoiding the emission into the atmosphere of millions of tons of CO2 (the CO2 emissions per passenger of the bus are six times smaller than those of the vehicle), and allowing great savings in fuel consumption.
Socially, in terms of its contribution to socio-territorial cohesion, intercity public transport for passengers by bus, due to its flexibility and lower investment requirements in infrastructures, plays an essential role in territorial structuring, being especially relevant for the least favoured sectors of the society, as it is a cheaper way than any other means of transport and is able to reach the entire territory.
The minibus in the intercity system: a key player.
The minibus facilitates the consolidation of interurban transport in areas of low population density, rural areas or centres that want to promote transport on demand. Thanks to its low cost of acquisition and maintenance, the intercity minibus is the ideal candidate for those transport missions that require, not only to structure the territory, but to do so in optimal conditions that allow frequency of passage and an adjusted cost.
Due to its compact size and its wide range of finishes, from minibuses with ramp and an urban appearance for mixed urban / interurban services, minibuses with coach aesthetics for longer-distance services or minibuses that can perform intercity services or school transport on time, minibuses are the main players in the interurban transport system.
If you want to know more about our range of approved minibuses for intercity services, contact us.
Source: Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana.