INDCAR wins the competition for 30 GTT electric minibuses in Turin

INDCAR wins the competition for 30 GTT electric minibuses in Turin

INDCAR has obtained the tender for 30 electric vehicles for the Gruppo Torinese Trasporti (GTT), the entity responsible for public transport in Turin. A delivery that symbolizes the beginning of INDCAR’s electrical solutions in Italy. The new electric minibuses...
INDCAR at Busworld

INDCAR at Busworld

INDCAR participated once again at the Busworld Europe 2023 fair, the most important meeting in the sector worldwide that took place from October 6 to 12 in Brussels. In this 26th edition we presented ourselves under the claim “Here begins your minibus journey”, linked...
INDCAR Romania 10th Anniversary Celebration

INDCAR Romania 10th Anniversary Celebration

In 2013 we decided to embark on a new journey at INDCAR, heading to Romania with the aim of expanding our productive capacity and growing as a company. At Prejmer we found the perfect location and the most talented staff to develop this strategy and facilitate...
Tpl Linea still chooses Indcar Mobi minibuses

Tpl Linea still chooses Indcar Mobi minibuses

From Savona to Arbúcies the line is short. In fact, for the second time, Tpl Linea, the public transport operator of Savona and its province, has chosen Indcar Mobi minibuses to strengthen – and renew – its fleet. Already in the recent past, the Ligurian company had...
Silbernagl chooses once again Indcar minibuses

Silbernagl chooses once again Indcar minibuses

The relationship between Silbernagl from Bolzano and Indcar is a historical relationship, consolidated over time. The South Tyrolean transport operator, with a fleet of over one hundred vehicles – of various sizes and uses – in recent months has won three...
Indcar delivers 21 Mobi minibuses to Autolinee Toscane

Indcar delivers 21 Mobi minibuses to Autolinee Toscane

Following up on its commitment to renew the fleet, enhance the service and better cover all areas of the region, Autolinee Toscane has chosen Indcar as its ally in this mission. And in fact, in 2022 that we have left behind, the sole operator of the Tuscan LPT...
Autocares Hermasa bets on the Indcar Next L9

Autocares Hermasa bets on the Indcar Next L9

The family of Autocares Hermasa, a company from Calatayud (Zaragoza) engaged in transporting people for over a century, is expanding: during the last weeks of 2022 it welcomed an Indcar Next L9. The midibus measures 9,390 millimetres in length, 2,500 in width and...